Monday, December 29, 2008

Wisconsin Christmas

Brody and his cousins - Ben, Reagan and Brecken. ~ Forget getting a photo of everyone looking at the camera smiling!

Playing in the snow. They have had so much snow already!

Brody and Grandpa Frank.
Raleigh wasn't quite sure what to do with all the snow!

Brody had a great first Christmas. We went to Wisconsin and he got to spend time with everyone on the Jimenez side. There are 4 kids under 4 therefore it was so much fun to watch all the kids run around. Brody will be running with them next year ... this year he just sat back and watched all the chaos! We are so blessed to have such wonderful families. We have the Jameson Family Christmas this week so more pictures to come!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Brody got his picture taken with Santa today and he loved him. All he wanted to do was pull on that big white beard... Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A new kind of chain letter

So there is an online/blog-version of a chain letter going around and I was tagged by Brie (Brie - Sorry it has taken me so long to get to this). Here's the tag:

1. Go to your sixth picture folder and find the sixth picture.
2. Pray you remember the details!
3. Post it on your blog.
4. Tag four others and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.

Below is the sixth photo in our sixth photo folder. Brody was 2 months old...chillin in his swing. In the early days that swing was a life saver!! Can't believe how much he has grown and changed.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brody helps with the laundry...

Winter just started and already the days get really long stuck inside all day ... why do I live here?!? We really miss our daily walks! :-) Anyway, we have to come up with creative ways to entertain Brody (and mommy!). On Monday he spent a good 20 minutes in the laundry basket while I got some laundry done. Who knew this could be so entertaining!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Havin' some fun

Brody gets a new hat!

Brody with his cousins Spenscer and Brok and he plays with his first 'real' football
(it is almost as big as him).

Chillin' in the bathtub ... check out that bubble beard!

We had a great Thanksgiving in Iowa. We are so thankful to have such a wonderful family to spend Thanksgiving with. Brody had tons of fun playing with his nana and papa, aunt and uncle and oh course his cousins Spenscer and Brok. Brody was completely wiped out once we made it home. He took a bath and went right to sleep ... let's hope he sleeps all night!

Friday, November 21, 2008

6 months

Happy baby!

I love my exersaucer and my fingers!

Brody turned 6 months today. Can't believe how time has flown by. He is at such a fun stage -- a very happy baby and is so talkative -- his favoriates are, da..da..da and He still hasn't rolled over yet but is getting really good at sitting up by himself. Can't wait to see what he masters next. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our little bumblebees...

Happy Halloween!

Our little Bumblebees.

The candy bar is almost as big as Brody!!!

Brody had a fun first Halloween as a bumblebee. He matched his puppy Raleigh. Frank loves passing out candy and feels the need to give out king size candy bars (not sure what we would do if he ever quits working at Hershey!) ... we are known for this now -- we had over 100+ kids this year!!! Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Punkin Pickin'

Pickin Pumpkins!

Brody hanging out at the Apple Orchard.

Brody and his buddy, John Henry!

Last weekend we went to apple orchard/pumpkin patch with the Kohorst's. It was a beautiful fall day and we had tons of fun! This weekend I am going to make apple crisp with all the apples we picked!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Baby Yoga

Ok - So several people have suggested that I start a blog ... just another thing to do but a great way to share memories so I will do my best to keep it up to date.
Brody and I have been doing baby yoga since he was 8 weeks old. Here are some recent photos ... our friends Penny and Quincy are in them as well.
We are going to the apple orchard/pumpkin patch this weekend so stay tuned for some fun fall pics!